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Monday, March 09, 2009

Mommy's Interview with Carson

What is something mom always says to you?
“Can I go peep.” (peepee)

2. What makes mom happy?
“Poopin’ in the potty”

3. What makes mom sad?
“Poopin in my pants.” We’re in a groove here…

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
“Do funny things…like this… Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “Be a.” “Be a, who?” “Chocolate on a syrup!” Gotta love toddler jokes! :)

5. What was your mom like as a child?
“Caden…and Carter…and Carson”

6. How old is your mom?

7. How tall is your mom?
This…(arms extended like the deep in deep and wide)

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
“Clean up and do laundry” Hmmm...I need to get out more.

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
“Play with Caden”

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
“Playing a game…chuckers”

11. What is your mom really good at?
“Helping me…play a game”

12. What is your mom not very good at?
“Picking up poop…daddy’s very good at it” HA!!!

13. What does your mom do for her job?
“I don’t think anything”

14. What's your mom's favorite food?
“Vegetables… I love eating carrots”

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
“Driving fast! Cause you’re a race car driver!” (Just so you all know…if I pass a car…any car…even a parked car…Carson believes we’re winning…He’s not competitive at all! :) )


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest!!! You are a great mama!


Deb said...

How fun! Don't you just love that you "don't do anything"? LOL I wonder what Carson has to say about Cary's driving?!!!!!

Mama PC said...

how funny! enjoy your day! what you are doing is VERY important... loving and molding and guiding and cleaning up those beautiful boys... tell Cary hello from Mr. and Mrs. Crouse :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, so cute! What a great idea. I should do that with my kids :)