I have been a horrible blogger lately! I don't know what the deal is. That being said, Friday marked 20 weeks in this pregnancy, so we are half way. I CANNOT believe it! I'm really looking pregnant now and not just thick around the middle, which is always a nice milestone. I felt the baby move for the first time aroudn 14 weeks, but the feelings were few and far between. The baby is moving like crazy now, Cary has felt it, and we've even seen it already! I don't think all of those things happened so early with Carson, so I was a little surprised when my belly jerked in my view a week or so ago. I know... I need to get a new belly picture posted on here. I'll do my best! :) We get to have our u/s, which will hopefully reveal our baby's gender on October 12th (I just realized that is a week from Thursday!!!!!). This u/s is 4 weeks later than we had it with Carson, so it should be neat to see how developed the baby is. I just hope it isn't shy!
This pregnancy has gone by so fast!! As excited as I am, it scares me to death to think that the remainder might fly by as well... If you think about it, be praying for my nerves. I try not to think about it too much, but when I do, I really wonder what I will do in the first few months with 2 under 2. I know that things will get a routine eventually, I just hope it's earlier rather than later and that Carson feels excited about his new baby rather than totally displaced.
Speaking of Carson, he seems so big lately! He talks all the time, and has started to make words up when he wants to communicate things to us. It's really funny. He's also running now. He loves to play tag and shrieks and giggles when he thinks someone is coming after him (even the dogs). He'll sit and read his books for 30 minutes easy, and he turns the pages and talks to himself like he really knows the story. He has also taken to playing the piano and singing along, which is the funniest thing EVER!! If there is an instrument in the room, he will not be interested in anything else...even if the room is the size of a basketball gym. I need to get videos up here of this stuff! :) He's also figured out how to ride his little train around my parent's house. Up until a few weeks ago, he would push it, but wasn't big enough to sit on it and make it go. Last week he cut his 13th tooth, and his favorite new food is chicken quesadillas. I guess that's the latest on him in a nutshell...
Friday was also the day that we closed on our first home. Yay!!! The work has begun! The heater and compressor for the a/c has been put in, we've gotten all of the locks changed, and Cary has started to scrape the popcorn off the ceilings in a few rooms that haven't had it removed already. What a gross job, but I'm so glad he's doing it! We hope to have everything move in ready around the beginning of November! Isn't that fantastic!!! We've already started planning youth activities at "our house." :)