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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

God is so good.

When we first found out we were pregnant, I remember telling Cary that I knew God would take care of us and not let us falter. I was saying it in faith, but recently I have been reminded of how true this is. Cary got a call yesterday out of the blue from a church that we helped at in college saying that they needed an interim worship leader for the next few months. It is just part-time, and something Cary can easily do while working at his beloved Starbucks. This is such a blessing because we have really had a desire to get back into leading worship and haven't been quite sure how to go about doing that. Today, we found out about a bill we hadn't exactly planned on, and because of this door God has opened for us, we are going to be able to pay it without going into debt. Thank you, Lord!

It seems so amazing to me the way God always shows up just in time. I can't tell you how many times there have been in this last year and a half when we weren't sure how we were going to make it through the next week, yet without fail, God has allowed us to have just enough. Just enough that we have to look to Him for the next week and the next move. Thank you Lord for leading us just far enough that we don't panic at what's ahead, and thank you for providing the stepping stones to get us there.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back, and glad you guys are feeling certain that you are taken care of, which, of course, you are!

Kristen said...

Melissa, isn't God good? Great to see you back in the blogosphere.