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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Random thoughts

So it's been a busy few days. Got to spend some time with Cary's mom and Tommy and siblings this weekend. Very fun. What is it about cramming a visit into a weekend that just zaps all energy out of you. I still haven't recovered - but I have unpacked and started laundry - which for any of you who know me well will understand that this means I must not be doing to poorly.

I had a Mary Kay meeting last night. It was a skin care class, which is always fun because guests get to play with the products while I learn something. Next week I become a senior consultant. This sounds like a big deal, and I guess it is, except that it took little effort on my part. It basically means that my friend Lindsay signed up to be a consultant through me. This is a lot of fun for me because we're both in kind of the same "just starting out" spot. It's kind of nice to not feel like I'm lost by myself.

I got punched in my diaphragm today - by Carson that is. Tell does this little guy go from poking me in my belly to punching my diaphragm in a little over a week? That's some fast growing. It is kind of neat though, and nice to know he's having a good time in there. Oh! and in other news...I got asked if I was "expecting" for the first time yesterday. I guess I've finally passed the look of "maybe she's just gained a little holiday weight." In the same day, I had someone who I barely know ask if they could rub my stomach for luck. Umm, no. Why do random people think that it's okay to touch a pregnant woman's stomach? My mom or my sister, or a good friend, sure why not, but not the lady who I only see on my way to the restroom. I know this is a regular phenom that pregant women have to deal with - I just think it's weird.

Okay, enough randomness for now. Maybe I'll have something of worth to say later - or at least something humorous.

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