Carson and Caden are doing well. Carson is so excited about the next arrival, and every time he sees a baby, whether in person or on TV, he says "Hey! We're going to have one of those!!" So funny to see his excitement. Caden will point to my belly and say baby, and then go get a stuffed animal, but I'm sure he doesn't grasp it. He may be a bit more jealous than Carson was his first time around, but he's such a Mama's boy, I'll take all of the loving I can get. :) Carson asked me what the baby's name is the other day, and I told him I didn't know. Then I asked him what he thought we should name him and he said, "Kiley." I told him that was a girl name and someday if we had a girl we could use that name. Then he said we should name the baby "Caden," and I said we already have one of those. He responded with ".... yeah... Hmmm...." and seemed a little troubled over it. I have to admit, that's about where I am too. We'll come up with something that we love because I have to love the name to decide it's okay, but it might not be until we are checking out of the hospital... I've always worked well under pressure... :)
On a totally different note, and just for my records... Caden got his right top and bottom molars a few weeks ago, and his left top one this weekend. If the swelling would go down on his bottom left that one would be in too, so I'm sure it will cut the surface soon. I'm so glad we get molars when we are babies so we don't have to remember the discomfort. But aside from a random fever here and there, he's handling the eruptions quite well. Such a trooper.
Carson hasn't had any accidents in a few weeks - even while we were out of the house! I don't know what my folks did while we were in NYC, but they totally conquered his aversion to going #2 on the toilet. I still get nervous leaving the house without pull-ups, and always have a change of clothes or two for him, but he has done so well! Super proud of him, just so you know... I think I might loan each of our kids to my folks for a week or so when we are potty training since this has been so successful! ;)
Yeah for the updates Melissa! You look great. I totally agree with you on the fact that the pregnancy has flown by. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were telling everyone. It is crazy. I do have to say that I have enjoyed having someone pregnant with me and having almost the same due date. It has been fun. The story about Carson and the names is very cute. At least he is trying to help. You will figure it out. And maybe that will be the fun of it. We will all have to wait until you have had the baby before we know the name. Ok, well take it easy and I will be praying for you and you do the same.
Thanks for the updates. Glad things are going well with you and Baby #3! Congrats to Carson for doing so well with potty training! What a champ!! Don't worry, before you know it, he will be completely finished!!
On the jealousy note about Caden, when Mom brought me home Rachel was so excited about having a "baby". When Mom brought Beka home, I would have NOTHING to do with her and pouted all the time. We had pics of Mom holding Beka at one end of the couch, and I was at the opposite end pouting and glaring at Beka. I did NOT like sharing the attention one bit!!!
So, good luck! How exciting! D-day will be here before you know it!
Yeah for Carson being potty trained! Hayden is like pulling teeth and she will NOT go number 2 whatsoever in the potty. UGH!!!! I'm hoping to get it all taken care of this summer while she is home every day from MDO. Wish us luck :)
You look great! I can't believe you are over halfway there. I can't wait to hear the name you guys pick for the little guy! I'll have to keep my ears open for any fabulous C names! What are you doing for his room?? will the boys share?
Yeah! You just look adorable! I can't wait to post belly pics! I wonder what it is about grandparents that can make kids do things the parents cannot... I just can't wait to see the boys. Let me know what we should bring. We have an air matress...
Hi Melissa,
Keeping up with you and your family by blog is so much fun. Here are a few "C" names for your consideration:
I so enjoy getting on the blogger world every once in a while and seeing everyone's families growing up. It's especially nice for us Texas people to see how everythings going and growing. I'm excited for you guys.
I can't believe that you and Cary are about to have baby number three! That's so crazy...I remember when Carson was a baby and having ONE was a big deal!! :) I hope that I can make it up to Colorado one day to see y'all...maybe if K&J plan a trip, I can come as Pate's nanny...Love you guys!
yay carson for doing good with potty training! tell him auntie em misses him. much love
Hey Melis I wish we were closer so we could have a good excuse to watch the boys :) I'm so glad you are doing great, and we can't wait to see post-belly pics! Yee haww for baby boys!
I had a coworker name his little guy "Chase"....and "Carter" is always a cute one too :)
Good luck!Miss you guys. JB
Hey girl!! You look GREAT!!! and yes this pregnancy of yours has flown bye for sure. Thought I would put a few baby names up here like other people have so here it goes...which I'm sure you've already seen before. Canon, Carter, Cooper--(which I love that name) Chase, Carver, Chance, and Chayton. Boy I did name a Anyways we love and miss ya'll....sure wish we lived closer b/c you know I would LOVE to babysit. Hugs and kisses for the boys. Brittney
Hey I forgot to tell ya that it had been forever since I had posted anything new, but with school out I have been able to post a few pics. Love and miss ya'll.........Brit
Just checkin in to see how you were doing. I haven't heard from you on your blog in awhile. I pray everything is going alright. I am sure you are very busy. Talk to ya soon again.
Wow, how time flies! 22 weeks! Good for you, momma. Good cookin' :)
I'm considering trying out the potty with Jack this summer. He's young, but he seems like he's interested in the idea. I know it's going to take a week of undivided attention and that's just not going to happen during the school year or anytime soon with Two on the way (or, whatever, 2,3 and 4 on the way :)haha)
And Jackson, who has NO concept of what it means for us to be having another, is polite when we ask, "Should we have a baby in our house?" He says, "Yeah!!!" most of the time. Although when we ask whether we should have a boy or girl, he just claps and giggles... obviously he's so very clueless! (Or maybe the twins are one of each-haha! :)
Oh, and Caden and those teeth! So grown up!!! *sigh*
Lastly, please don't name your child Corbin. I despise the name and would have to call him something else entirely, poor child.
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