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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Da-da-da's, Carson Songs, and Idaho Springs

Caden started talking yesterday. He's always been quite the conversationalist, but yesterday he started a whole string of da-da-das and la-la-las and a combination of the two. He was very serious about it too. Like it took all of his attention to get those syllabals out... It was pretty funny. And in an earlier post, I said that he had been up on his hands and knees a lot...I finally got it on camera.
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He has also decided that he prefers his thumb to the pacifier. I am still trying to trick him into taking the pacifier, but most of the time he throws an absolute fit as if to say "What is WRONG with you???? I am perfectly fine on my own!" This is how he ends up most of the time during naps and bedtime...(I just hope I can break him of it before he's 5... At least he only sucks his thumb when he's sleeping...
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We've also moved from icky rice cereal to squash. I had to figure out what I could feed him easily while we were at youth conference (last week) and youth camp (next week) and rice cereal just wasn't easy, plus he wasn't too crazy about it. Anyway, I moved on to squash, and he has eaten a whole jar every day since we started. He loves the stuff.
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Just to brighten your day, here is a video of entertainment a la Carson. He is so funny and plays his air guitar for us all the time...

A few weeks ago, we took a last minute overnight trip with my family to Idaho Springs. I was so excited. I love to do things like that, and spontenaity always heightens my excitement. Anyway, my mom and I booked the hotel online, sight unseen...never, ever do that, people... Online, it looked really rustic and fun, and it has hot springs - that were very blue in the pictures (if you don't know what that is, it's a pool that is filled with naturally flowing water that is at a constant warmer temp...usually in the low hundreds...). The "resort" as they called it has been around since the late 1800's and they advertized that all sorts of really cool people had stayed there on a regular basis during their lives - Walt Whitman, old presidents, and people like that. So we're thinking it should be pretty cool, right??? Not so much...It was really not renovated since the '70s gross... and on top of that, there were lots of gross, not so clean people there...the whole experience was just really weird... The hot springs pool was in this green house of sorts, and had lots of neat plants, but the water was a weird green color, and there were weird signs all over the place saying things like "share the hot water." We made the best of it, and had so much fun together, and it for sure has memories that we will laugh about for a long time to come. :) I guess that will teach us to add a little more research to our spontaneous trips.... Anyway, Caden fell asleep on my shoulder in the hot springs that were as warm as bath water, and Carson had so much fun swimming with his water wings on. He figured out that he could put his head under the water and was showing off for everyone. He kept sticking his head under the water and then would look around at everyone like it was the coolest thing he had ever done while he said "See that?! See that?!"


Unknown said...

your boys are getting so big and super fun!

yes, try to break caden of his thumb sucking at least by the second grade so he doesn't suffer the embarrassment that i did...:(

Deborah said...

I love the videos! Carson is a doll! I love his sweet little singing voice! Please break him from the thumb sucking! I sucked my finger until I was 10!! But, only at night once I started school...I was a bit embarrassed!! I also twirled my hair at the same time...which I do every once in a while when I am really tired or sick!!

Anonymous said...

Thats hilarious about the "Hot Springs" water.....funny. Love the videos and I love that picture of Caden sleeping sucking his thumb too cute. I was wondering when you were going to post I kept checking. :0). Anyways love and miss ya'll. brittney

Rach said...

Not to sound like I am totally copying your comment to me a couple weeks ago, but Hudson was sitting here watching the video of Carson singing and kept laughing and smiling and squealing at him. I would try to go on and he kept saying "no" and pointing at the screen! We watched it about 5 times! :) I love the basketball part!! So cute and funny!! And, it cracked me up when you said "where's Mo?" and he realized what you were saying and then started looking around! So cute! :) :) :)

Deb said...

Carson is such a ham! Can't imagine where he gets that from. LOL

Deb said...

Carson is such a ham! Can't imagine where he gets that from. LOL