Well, I just got back from my appointment, and all is well. We have made progress and I am now 70% effaced and dilated to a 2. I was a little disheartened at first because as far as numbers are concerned, this isn't much of a difference, but then I figured, how much closer do I think I will get before I'm really in labor. Then mom told me that I've already gone further than she ever did before she was in labor, so that was encouraging. The doc also said that she would see me next week if not before, but that she didn't think I'd make it that far. If by chance I do, at my next visit, we'll talk about how to speed things up :( I so don't want to take that route!! I also asked if it was possible that I could into labor this weekend, to which she kind of smirked and said "Well, anything is possible. I would prefer it not happen on Friday on Saturday, but Thursday or Sunday would be fine." Okay, I'll make a note of that! :) It turns out she will be out of town on those days, so I wouldn't be able to have her deliver Carson. So you hear that, Carson? Thursday or Sunday, but not in between! Hee hee - too bad it's not that easy! Really, though, it would be very beneficial for labor to come this weekend, because my sister is in Waxahachie until Monday, and I'd really like for her to get to meet Carson before he's several months old. The rest of my family is on call, and my grandparents are coming down next weekend - so see how perfect the timing would be!! Oh, another fun thing, my Grammy delivered my mom on Mother's Day weekend - how fun it would be for history to repeat itself!!
Come on Carson!! We're ready for you!!!! :)
Still playing the waiting game! :)