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Thursday, January 28, 2010

String of Thoughts

Carter is a busy boy. And he thinks he's funny. He is funny. A crack up...yet all in body language and expression. He's a boy of few words so far, yet he has major comprehension. He handed me the tv remote this morning with one battery that he'd pulled out. I asked him where the other one was and told him to go get it. He grinned at me, walked away, and then came back with the battery. Funny kid. He does say a few words here and there, just not tons. He started walking (how bad is it that I never recorded this...) at about 15 1/2 months. I am still so thankful that I was kind of getting around before he was on his feet! Although he still toddles a bit, he is all over the place and even races the house with his brothers. As of this moment, he is working on 4 molars and all of his eye teeth. 2 of the molars have started to break the skin. It's made him crabby at times, but he is so much happier than I think I would be in that situation! He is just SUCH a laid back boy. Love him so.

Caden seems as old as Carson these days... aside from the education side maybe. Seriously, they seem so close in age. They are always up to something and acting out some sort of elaborate story...though he still loves sleeping and nap time and all that involves cuddling and holding on to whoever is closest. He's the sweetest cuddle-bug. Right now Carson and Caden are having a "concert" in Carson's room.

Carson keeps asking when he and Caden can have bunk beds... I don't know if this will happen or not... I suppose it depends on where we live when the next baby comes along... speaking of which, we actually made it past our goal of distance between children for once!! WOOT! :) Don't hyperventilate... I'm not announcing anything... but it's been the topic of conversation for Carson lately... that and "when I'm married..." conversations. That boy is a romantic all the way. Today when he asked me about the bunk beds, I asked him if he wanted us to have another baby, and he immediately said yes. I asked if he wanted a brother or sister, and he said both. You want twins? I asked him, and he said yep! That would be AWESOME! (Hear that, Daddy??) Then he proceeded to tell me, "When I'm married, I'm gonna have twins TWICE! Boys and girls." Way to plan that out, buddy. The other day, he said, "Mommy, when I'm married, will you teach me how to drive?" I suppose if he wants to wait to drive until he's 30 (because that's when he's getting married), that would be fine with me! :) He also told me that when he gets married, I can come visit him at his house. Nice to know.


lindsey brooke said...

too cute :)

Nicki W. said...

hey friend! i bet you are the busiest mom! ha! i can barely get hold of my two! crazy times!

Deb said...

This is awesome!!! (BTW - you can fit in Cary's suitcase for next week, right????)

Denique said...

Aren't kids so cute!!!