I know I have been unusually absent lately, and not really for any reason except that we are just living. :) Things are good here. Our friends, Roy and Debbie are visiting this week from Waco, and it SO nice to get to spend time with them. The boys are busy as ever, and we are just loving summer. On any given day we can be found poolside, be that the backyard kiddie pool with Mama (me) lounging on a lawn chair and reading a book while the boys splash, play and giggle, or at the neighborhood pool with us all chest deep in the water and enjoying the sun. LOVE summer, and my tan for my sister's wedding in August is well under way. :) We are going to be very busy this summer it seems, through November really.... so in between large events, I feel like we just need to enjoy the free time. It helps with sanity and all. We have summer camp with our youth in a few weeks, and then my family has a reunion in the beginning of July. The day after we get back, Cary leaves for a 10 day missions trip to Mexico. My sister's wedding is in August. Our baby is due in September. We have a church staff thing in October. And Cary's sister, Emily, is getting married in November, and I suppose that leads us right into the holidays! Busy, busy! Such fun things though, really, and I'm so excited about all of them! But in between..... deep breaths!! :)
Caden is talking up a storm lately, and can be seen chasing the Carson or the dogs and saying "tickle, tickle, tickle" at any given moment. Carson has been making up SUPER elaborate, imaginitive games lately. It doesn't matter if he has someone to play with or is all by himself, he holds full conversations. Very funny. I really should record them when he isn't aware. He would crack up if I played them for him when he is 16. This baby seems to be doing just fine. I feel and see him all the time now. I've tried to let Carson feel this baby kick, but he doesn't sit still very often, and if the baby doesn't kick right away, Carson wiggles his fingers, looks at me wide eyed and full of wonder, and says "I FEEL him!!!!" Caden points to my tummy - or my boobs for that matter - and says baby, and if you ask him where his tummy is, he lifts his shirt, points to his tummy and says "baby." Poor child is so confused, I'm sure. Anyway, I don't have another OB appointment until the first week of July, and I get do the fun GD test. I really do like that orange drink, although I hear I'm in the minority... Cary's doing well too. He closed a couple of deals this last week for work, and I know that's always a stress reliever.... with everything on his plate, I think he's just trying to breathe as well. It really is mostly fun though, and I don't think we would know what to do with much free time!