Here are some pictures from our fun day. It looks like Cary was behind the camera today. I hate that we never realize that one person takes all of the pictures until the day is gone. We'll have to work on that! :)
Here is a close up of Carson in his Easter outfit, and one of him with his Easter basket train:
Here are a few of Carson and I as we were waiting for lunch:
I can't believe you will be a year in just 30 days! You are getting so big! You are doing so many things now. You love to play games, especially tag with Mommy and hide-and-seek with the doggies. You love food, especially when you can feed yourself. Your favorite food lately is scrambled eggs. You love anything that is outdoors, and love to explore everything in sight. You are full of joy and charm everyone you meet!
It was such a beautiful day today that Cary and I took Carson on a little picnic at the park. It was his first experience with slides and swings, and he LOVED it!! :)
Our celebration was lots of fun! Cary got me a pink razr cell phone :) And I got him 5 1-hour golf lessons. He was so excited. The food was fantastic, and we had creme brule for dessert - yum!! We really had a great time.
We're home. We spent this last week house sitting for my family while they were basking in the sun in Playa del Carmen. I have to admit, I was jealous...although we've had gorgeous weather here. It's been mid 70's all week....I LOVE SPRING! :)
Carson has been napping for 3 hours now and shows no signs of stirring. I guess he is enjoying being back in his own crib. Cary and I are going out for dinner tonight to celebrate our 3 year anniversary. We're going to Carrabba's...yum! And Carson gets to spend the evening with Bella and Poppi (my mom and dad), so there will be fun had all around! I guess that's it for an update for now. I know that interesting things have happened...they've just escaped me for the moment.
I'm the wife of a wonderful, caring, hilarious, and handsome guy named Cary, and I am the mom to the three sweetest, cutest boys in the world, Carson, Caden and Carter. I am a pastor's wife, a pastor's daughter, a mom, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a granddaughter and so on... I am a daughter of Christ and seek to serve him daily and be the best example of Christ's love I can, although I'm afraid I fail more than I would like.